Sunday, March 3, 2013

DVR recorded movie ratings #5

What can I say? The list on my DVR is actually getting smaller and smaller even though I know I've added movies. Something's not right, but I'm not going to bother with it for the time being. I've been thinking about my rating scale and how it's not fair to Daisy that I only use her name and not some type of icon or something in relation to her. Honestly, I haven't even bothered trying to make it any different, but it's the thought that counts (at least for the time being).
  • Winter's Bone: Of all places, I recorded this off of Lifetime. I had read articles and such about how Jennifer Lawrence was great in this movie. So I decided to record and watch it. The movie suuuuucks. I don't mean the actual movie, but the whole situation and the characters suck. Jennifer trying to find her drug dealing dad so that he can show up to court because he put the house up for collateral on his bail. The people living in the Ozarks ( which I hope they aren't really like that) who turn their backs to her when she wants information of where her dad may be. The uncle (who has a change of heart after a while). The ladies that beat the shit out of her. The way she finds her dad, thanks to the ladies that beat her earlier in the movie. The whole situation sucked for her. The movie was good. So good, it caught my hubby's interest for at least half of the film, but I think it had to do more with how Jennifer was being treated and her and her family's situation. I don't know what else to really say about this movie, except go see it (unedited and commercial free of course), but don't forget that I warned you of what you are about to see. I give it 4 Daisy-girls.
  • X: (aka X:Night of Vengeance). First of all, this movie starts out with a naked guy standing in the middle of the room while a lady is talking about his features to a circle of high-class looking women. Okay, let's go back...the movie starts out with a naked guy standing...NAKED! Not as in, oh I see his ass and a lil something. More as in I see his chest, his ass, his cock and his balls.... NAKED! Ok, now that we have gotten that out of the way, the movie doesn't have much else on the guy. It has to do with the girl. High-end call girl who stumbles upon a runaway and asks her if she wants to earn some fast cash by being involved in a threesome. Well, obviously shit goes down and soon enough they are being hunted down by some  bad cop who pretty much wants them dead. It's pretty high paced and lots more girl beatings (wayyyyyyyyyyyy more than Winter's Bone). The lady pretty much gets the shit beat out of her multiple times and repeatedly punched in the face (at that point I pointed out to my hubby that she's not even bleeding all that badly except for a minor cut on the corner of her lip). the homeless girl got annoying a few times, but the movie was too fast paced for me to take much interest. I was rooting more for the beaten gal. Ok, so going back to the plot of the movie...hmm, well I already covered that about after the threesome going bad. I would recommend going to see this movie. There is a lot of tits, ass, dick, chi-chis, and more boobs, but the story line is pretty interesting. I give this movie 4 Daisy-girls.
  • Things We Lost In The Fire: It stars Halle Barry, Benicio Del Toro and flashback scenes of David Duchovny. Okay, I get that Halle Barry is hot, but WHY must she always look run down in movies? I'm not saying she needs to be sexy and shit in movies, but why dumb down her looks? Will she not be believable as a widow mourning the loss of her husband and a mom trying to keep her kids happy if she were to look hot? *shakes head* Anyway, this movie got 3 stars and I was left wondering why. I mean the movie is not bad or even that bad, but I don't think it deserves 3 our of 4 stars. Basically David (husband) dies and Halle (wife) asks Benicio to move in because he is her hubby's drug addicted best friend. He says no at first but then reconsiders when she tells him that he can have a place to live rent free in return for him (a man) being there and to help her cope with the murder of her husband (which is told in flashback almost toward the end of the movie). Benicio goes through withdrawals, gets hooked again, and again goes through withdrawals. I don't get what SHE was getting out of all this because it seemed to me that she just had an extra kid to take care of seeing as she was cooking, doing laundry...all for him, as if he was a replacement hubby, BUT she wasn't getting any sex out of it. Like I said, the movie was pretty decent, I just don't see why it was given three stars. I'm willing to give it, well shit, like I've mentioned before I don't dare cut Daisy in half, so I'm going to give this movie 3 Daisy-girls ( if I didn't love my Daisy SO much, I wold give this movie 2.5).

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