Monday, May 28, 2012

If not today, then when

It's Memorial Day and I have the day off. The hubby does not. That entitles me to having the house to myself. One would say YAY! I am not one of them. There's stuff to do around here, yet I don't know why I am wasting time online. Not really chores, but just things I wish I would have more time for:
  1. putting a new needle in my sewing machine.
  2. getting all our family framed pictures and putting them up on the wall
  3. vacuuming (okay, so this one is a chore)
  4.  starting a new crochet project (unsure of what to do yet)
  5.  putting our wedding and winter vacation pictures in the photo albums
I wish the car wash place wasn't closed today, at least that could have been accomplished.
The hubby said that when he gets home we can finally put the shelf up over my sewing table. This I am excited about. I feel that with that up, I can actually get to messing around more with the sewing machine and that will inspire me to get back to my creativity.
But for now, I will leave a very special drawing that Angus Oblong drew for us this past weekend at Comipalooza...
 I think we look goofier on this year's drawing than last years Comicpalooza...

Friday, May 25, 2012

New Look...not for me

I've been messing around with the blog layout and see what I can do to make it my own. I'm still not used to the fact that I am trying this out or what I am hoping to get out of it. I call the hubby over and I ask for his opinion on some looks. Usually we are on the same page about stuff, but ever so often I wonder to myself...who the heck did I marry? I am not normally one with trends, I tend to stick to what I know or whatever I feel safe in. Give me my greys, reds, blacks, or any dark tone colors and I will be a very chippy lady. At times, I even surprise myself when I go for something out of my norm. I know I should try new things, this I know because he is always telling me to try a new dish at our usual restaurants, a new drink at Jamba Juice, or when we go clothes shopping. I try to find new things that catch my eye, but in the long run I am afraid that I may only order it or wear it just once. There are times when I actually find an article of clothing that I love and the looks he gives me are extremely funny ones, such as... who the heck did I marry? Ya, okay, AT TIMES, there are some tops I find to be cute and yes, they happen to look a bit for an little old lady. He gives me the "REALLY?" stare and I'm jumping for joy that I found something I actually really like, so I give him the "You bet your ass I'm buying this top!" stare right back. So he smiles and I'm good to go.
So where was I? Oh, yeah, so as I mentioned before, I still haven't found a template or layout that I am really jumping for joy about, but for now this one will do.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Origins of "Enfada"

       Yesterday marked the 7th year anniversary of when my husband and I first got together. It started as a long distance relationship, me being in CA and him being in MO. We made the most of what we could over chatting, webcamming ( is that even a word?), and the phone. About a year or so later,  we decided that it was time for meeting face to face. Seeing as I had more free time than he did, I went over to MO. You know how it goes...nervousness at first, then bliss of finally getting to meet and spend some time with the one person you have spend endless nights talking to over the phone or on the computer.
Fast Forward to 3 years ago...
       Well, I am bilingual (English and Spanish) and my hubby is not. I have opened the can to a lot more vocabulary than he was taught in high school. By this time, I had been living in Houston for about a year and he decided to visit me during the summer. Well, he never left and I'm thankful for that. At first I would be the one to "enfada" him, especially during the early mornings of the weekend or any chance that would have anyone in this world waking up late, but my body was saying it's "wake up time". After a while, it became a habit for me to "enfada" him any chance I got. Whether he was sleeping, showering, cooking, on the computer, or playing video games. Oh, especially while he drove! It finally got the the point when he told me that I was doing it too much. Now keep in mind, I never once used the word "enfada" so up to now, he has no idea that word even exists.
       Well, the moment came when I finally got it all out of my system and I didn't do it as much as I used to or even at all. Then the moment came.... he started to do it. At first, I thought it was cute, but after some time, I finally started saying, " Oh my good, you 'enfada' too much!" He took one look at me and was all," What the fuck did you just call me?!" I laughed and said," I didn't call you anything, it's what you are doing....bothering me." So he put it together that "enfada" = to bother.
3 years ago to present time....
       I shouldn't have exposed him to the word "enfada", because he uses it to his advantage. He won't do it while I'm sleeping or reading or showering. He'll wait until I go to the kitchen to start dinner or while I'm crocheting. He will even go as far as to say," I need to enfada you before you get started"

So there you have it folks, this whole entry is to just explain to you that enfada means to bother.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Time Feels Right

Hubby decided to join me in the living room. He is snacking on peanut butter and saltine crackers and asking what I am doing. Little does he know that I will be attacking him soon and yelling "ENFADATION TIME!!!!!"