Sunday, July 8, 2012

Christmas in July for the hubby

For some time, my husband has been wanting to built  a computer. According to him, my Sony Vaio desktop is too old. Uhm, so what? It works, it may be a bit slow, but she works. I told him that it may be old but  it is full of knowledge. he laughed, but agreed with me. Anyway, this past weekend he finally got his last few computer parts and he started to build it. Let me just say that when he first mentioned building the computer I had asked him if he knew how to go about it. He stated, "YES! That's what I used to do at my old job back in Missouri and when I was in high school." I then said, "okay, I don't want to hear stuff about how you can't put it together." Anyway, going back to him finally putting it together.... it wasn't an easy night. He got frustrated and me being the positive one (for once), I assisted him in what he needed ( even though I had said that I was not going to be any part of putting it together because he knew how to do it).
I know how it can be frustrating to do something new or something that you haven't done in a while, but he loves computers and I figured this would  have been fun for him to do. I tried to stay quiet and do what he had asked of me. I didn't want this to lead into an argument or he get so frustrated and mad that something may break or fall down or whatever.
As of right now, he is pretty much finished. He just installed Windows 7 and all problems that he had with it have been fixed or vanished. Never did I once think I would be (helping in) putting a computer together. It is not my thing. I don't really care for how or what goes into putting a computer together as long as it works and it has what I want in it. Now you can ask me pretty much anything about the new computer and I can tell you as fast as I can bat my eyes. I can go from the brand name to  the model number and price. My husband is going to have to make it up to me big time sometime in the near future.
He has been making fun of me about this for a few years now, but all I can say to him is "Merry Christmas in July!"


  1. I have always admired people that can do such entricate things. Stinkin' brainiac! Now you I understand because I have always thought you were so intelligent. This was no surprise to me that you helped, but the patience thing was. Lol just kidding. I am happy your hubby got Christmas in July, but think about it Edna, what in heaven's name are you going to give him when Christmas comes in December like it NORMALLY does!

    1. No, no. I didn't get him that as a Christmas gift, I just said that to him because for years I've been saying I want to put the tree up for "Christmas in July" and he would laugh at me. So when we finished up, I said," well there you go, there is Christmas in July after all." I have a few other handy things I can get him. Thanks for joining and commenting. You are my first follower. =)
