We hadn't been out in a while, by out I mean leaving the apartment other than for groceries. I mean more for fun. It has been damn hot for a few days now and I don't know what the heck possessed us to even think of going to a local flea market that we hadn't gone to in over a year. We prepped ourselves, we wore cool clothing, summer hats, and froze a few bottles of lemonade. We started out just fine, then after about the third or fourth aisles, we started slowing down. We started complaining about how hot it was, how much it was draining us. The hubby even made a comment of how we try and convince ourselves that we had spent enough time there and it was time to head over to the car where we can happily turn the A/C on and drive away. Only one thing, when we got to the parking, we couldn't find our car. It didn't set on me where we had parked, all I was thinking about was getting inside and having the A/C blasting on us. We separated and looked for the car until he finally found it. It took some time for us to cool off, but we eventually did and headed out to the mall because I had to buy my Clinique stuff.
Once at the mall, I figured we could walk around there and cool off seeing as it was still early. The mall was so-so, but you can still feel the warmness of the sun beaming down on us through the windows. UGH. So we decided to go to the movies to cool off. Cause you know, theaters are nice and cool. Uhm.. ok, at least for the first few minutes it sure as hell didn't feel like it. We decided on Snow White and the Huntsman, only because it was close to the starting time and I was curious to watch it.
To make a long story and review super short here goes:
- Charlize Theron was great, her acting and her costumes
- Kristen Stewart was not convincing at all
- The "prince" who kisses her is not who you think
When we got home, I laughed so much when my hubby said, " Kristen Stewart was all teeth. Perhaps she wished TOO much for her two front teeth for Christmas"